Bannockburn Tile Cleaning

Bannockburn Tile Cleaning

Details of Tile, Grout and Stone Cleaning work carried out in Bannockburn by the Stirling Tile Doctor.

Ceramic Tiled Floor Grout Restoration in Cumbernauld

Discoloured and missing Grout Restored on a Ceramic Tiled Floor in Cumbernauld

These clients in Cumbernauld had recently moved into a new home with light grey ceramic tiles covering the kitchen, dining area, and lounge floors. Whilst the tiles were mostly in good condition and the clients wanted to keep them, the grout was a problem. The grout was discoloured throughout the installation and in some places, it was damaged or completely missing.

Ceramic Tiled Floor Before After Damage Repaired Cumbernauld

Discoloured grout is one of the main problems we find with ceramic or porcelain tiled floors, this is because the tiles are impervious, and any dirt tends to get washed off into the grout line. The surface of grout is porous and so it will attract dirt over time and unless its sealed it will start to stain and discolour.

Having reviewed the floors, I recommended deep cleaning the tiles paying particular attention to the grout lines, replacing grout where required and then applying a grout colourant to achieve a consistent appearance throughout. Grout colourants seal in the grout thereby making it as impervious as the adjacent tiles and much easier to keep clean.

Happy with my quote we set a date for my return to do the renovation.

Deep Cleaning and Recolouring Grout on a Ceramic Tiled Floor

To thoroughly clean the tiles and grout I applied a 5 to 1 dilution of Tile Doctors Pro-Clean and left it to soak into the tiles for ten minutes. Then using a stiff bristle brush the solution was worked over the tiles and the soiling removed using a wet vacuum. The grout was then cleaned separately using the same approach with a grout brush. The floor was rinsed with clean, cold water and dried as much as possible with the wet vacuum.

Once the cleaning was complete, the damaged grout was removed and repaired using a light grey flexible grout, matching the desired recolouring.

Ceramic Tiled Floor During Grout Repairs Cumbernauld

The recolouring process had to be done carefully in small sections to prevent the solution from drying on the tile surfaces and causing staining or damage. We selected to use Tile Doctor Grout Colourant in light grey. This product is available in eleven shades. This is a slow process, but the results are well worth the time spent.

Ceramic Tiled Floor During Grout Colouring Cumbernauld

The recoloured grout gave the entire floor a lighter, refreshed appearance. It’s a cost-effective way to renew the space and certainly much quicker than regrouting.

The clients were very pleased with the result, which is evident in the before and after photos showing the repaired tile at the doorway, regrouting the floor and the lounge floor showing the difference between recoloured grout and old grout.

As the tiles are ceramic there is no requirement to apply a sealer, they are sealed with a glaze at the factory. For aftercare cleaning I recommend Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner which is a pH neutral product that won’t impact the grout colour. The stronger floor cleaning products you find in supermarkets can be too strong and often contain bleach.

Ceramic Tiled Floor After Grout Repair and Colouring Cumbernauld


Professional Grout Restoration on a Ceramic Tiled Floor

Discoloured and missing Grout Restored on a Ceramic Tiled Floor in Cumbernauld Read More »

Terracotta Tiled Conservatory Floor Renovation Bannockburn

Cleaning and Sealing Terracotta Tiled Flooring in Bannockburn

This cottage in Bannockburn had 70m2 of Terracotta tiled flooring in various rooms across the property including the conservatory, kitchen, utility room and porch. The tiles had not been sealed since they were laid 30 years previously and now needed renovation, including removing what was left of the old sealer, deep cleaning then and resealing.

Terracotta Tiled Conservatory Floor Before Renovation Bannockburn

Without an active sealer protecting the porous Terracotta had no protection from ingrained dirt and were heavily soiled in the busier areas, also some of the tiles were loose and wobbly.

I worked out a quote for the renovation and due to the size of the area I planned on splitting the work into three sections. This would make the job more manageable and has the advantage of minimising the impact on the homeowner’s movement around their home. Happy with my plan the quote was accepted and we worked out a schedule for the job to start.

Cleaning a Terracotta Tiled Ground Floor

Before starting work in a section all the moveable furniture was removed and the rest was protected from the cleaning and resealing process. To tackle what was left of the old sealer and deep clean the Tile and Grout a strong dilution of 2 parts water to 1 part Tile Doctor Pro-Clean was applied to the floor.

The strong dilution makes an extremely effective as a stripper and cleaner and was applied with a cloth and then left for ten minutes. This gives the product time to breakdown the dirt and old sealer. The floor was then scrubbed using a black pad and then once complete the soiled solution was removed with a wet vacuum. The floor was then rinsed with clean water and extracted again.

The next stage of the process was to neutralise the floor as it would be alkaline after the clean. To do this I used an acid to rinse the floor called Tile Doctor Grout Clean-Up. This product not only neutralises the floor preventing the build-up of efflorescence which can be a problem for old floors. It also provides a better bond between the floor and sealer. During this process a grout brush was used to ensure all the grout had been reached during the cleaning process. The Tile Doctor Grout Clean Up solution was then extracted with the wet vacuum and then the floor is thoroughly rinsed.

While the floor area that had just been stripped and cleaned was left to dry before sealing, I repaired the “wobbly” tiles which will prevent them from cracking and becoming a hazard. Small holes were drilled into the grout around the moving tile and then injected with a filler. The tiles were then left for 24 hours for the filler to cure and then the tiles were tested to ensure the issue has been fixed.

Terracotta Tiled Conservatory Floor During Renovation Bannockburn

Sealing a Terracotta Tiled Ground Floor

When the tiles had been thoroughly cleaned, rinsed and given time to dry, they were tested with a damp meter to ensure they were dry and ready for sealing. The readings were fine and I had selected two different sealers to protect the floor. Two were needed to match the clients finish requirements which were to enhance the colour of the tiles and for them to have a slight sheen finish.

First the tiles were given a coat of Tile Doctors Colour Grow sealer which as the name states enhances the natural colours in terracotta tile. The coat was given 30 minutes to dry before the second sealer was applied.

The second sealer was Tile Doctors Seal and Go which is a topical sealer and works well with Tile Doctor Colour Grow. Tile Doctor Seal and Go leaves a slight satin sheen on the tiles and six coats were needed to complete the process. This did take some time as each coat needed time to dry before the next coat was put on.

Terracotta Tiled Conservatory Floor After Renovation Bannockburn

For aftercare cleaning I recommend the use of Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner which is a mild but effective Tile and Grout cleaner that won’t upset the sealer which can be the issue with the stronger products you find in supermarkets.


Professional Restoration of a Terracotta Tiled Ground Floor in Stirling

Cleaning and Sealing Terracotta Tiled Flooring in Bannockburn Read More »

Victorian Tiled Chancel Floor Renovation St Marys Coatbridge

Victorian Tiled Chancel Renovated St Marys Church Coatbridge

The pictures below were taken at St Marys Church in Coatbridge where I was asked to renovate an area of original Victorian tiles in front of the altar. The church was opened in 1893 and at some point since then the tiled chancel floor had been covered with carpet. Many years later the carpet was worn and rather than replacing it they decided to have the tiles renovated.

Renovating the tiles was the best way forward as old floors like this don’t have the benefit of a damp proof membrane (DPM) and so shouldn’t be covered up. You need to allow for moisture from under the floor to rise through the tile and evaporate at the surface otherwise the moisture can reach out to the walls and cause other problems.

Fortunately, by the time I was asked to survey the floor the carpet had been removed from the chancel and the intricate Victorian tiling work was now on display for the parishioners to appreciate. This had given then the tiles plenty of opportunity to breathe and allow any trapped moisture to evaporate.

Over the years the tiles had been subject to lots of traffic, paint, general wear and then of course hidden under a carpet. The tiles were part of the 150-year-old churches history and were crying out to be restored and shown off. Paint, stains, cement and carpet glue were found on the tiles when the carpet was lifted.

Victorian Tiled Chancel Floor Before Cleaning St Marys Coatbridge

To work out the best way to effectively remove all the staining I conducted a test clean in a small area of the tiling. As it was a floor without a DPM I chose to use gel cleaning products with a low water content. This was done in-order to avoid exacerbating any inherent dampness in the floor that might lead to efflorescence salt problems later.

The test clean came out well and encouraged the floor was in safe hands and happy with my quotation I was awarded the contact to restore the floor.

Deep Cleaning a Victorian Tiled Church Chancel

I returned some weeks later to start on the restoration of the whole floor and began with the application of Tile Doctor Oxy-Gel which is a strong alkaline Gel cleaner that as mentioned earlier has a low moisture content.

Working in sections Oxy-Gel was applied with a brush and left on the tiles to soak in for about fifteen minutes. This gives the product time to break down the ingrained dirt, paint and cement residue. The Gel was the scrubbed into each tile using a coarse 200-grit pad fitted to a rotary floor buffer. Once the clean had been completed the now soiled Gel solution was removed with a wet vacuum. After this the tiles were rinsed with water and then dried with the wet vacuum.

The next stage of the clean was to treat the tiles to an acid rinse using Tile Doctor Acid Gel which was applied neat with a brush. Acid Gel does several things to improve the tiles including neutralising the pH level of the tiles and dissolving any efflorescent salts in the floor. After using a black pad to work the gel into the tiles the soiled Gel was extracted with the wet vacuum and then rinsed again using water before being dried again with the wet vacuum.

The floor was then left for a couple of days allowing plenty of time for the floor to dry out following the cleaning and to give any efflorescence salts trapped in the tiles had time to show up.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Church Chancel

On my return a damp meter was used to confirm the floor was dry and the tiles inspected for efflorescence salts. All was well so I was able to begin the final stage of the renovation which involves applying a sealer to the tiles which will enhance their appearance and protect them from staining.

Tile Doctor Colour Grow was chosen to seal the tiles, it’s a hard-wearing impregnator that soaks into the tile occupying the pores and thereby preventing dirt from becoming ingrained there. This ensures dirt remains on the surface where it can easily be cleaned away. Colour Grow also contains a colour enhancer which lifts the beautiful colours in the Victorian tile and really helps them to stand out.

After the first coat had been on for 5 minutes any excess sealer was removed using a dry clean White cotton cloth. The second coat was applied after 30 minutes and again any excess sealer was removed with a cloth after 5 minutes.

After application the tiles were left to dry for two hours and then a water test was carried out to determine if the tiles needed a further coat.

Victorian Tiled Chancel Floor After Renovation St Marys Coatbridge

Once complete the tiles looked totally transformed and took time to discuss aftercare cleaning. Its important to use the right product when cleaning a sealed tiled floor as anything bleach based will strip the sealer off with use leaving it vulnerable to ingrained dirt. In this case I recommended Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner which is a mild but effective tile cleaner that’s ideal for sealed floors.

Professional Renovation of a Victorian Tiled Chancel Church Floor in Lanarkshire

Victorian Tiled Chancel Renovated St Marys Church Coatbridge Read More »


Stirling Tile Doctor

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